Warm greetings from Hunter’s World International Preschool to our esteemed parents and precious Hunters! Thank you for your trust and for allowing us to share our school’s mission with you.

At the heart of everything we do are our Hunters. We believe that the preschool age is one of the most crucial stages in a person’s life. It’s a time of self-discovery and exploration. Together with our team, we aspire to provide an environment where our Hunters feel safe and secure. We aim to help them gain a sense of self and build confidence to face the world independently as they grow.

Accomplishing such tasks is easy as long as the parents and the school work together towards our common goal – for our Hunters to become intelligent, strong, independent, kind-hearted, and compassionate human beings who are, at the same time, equipped with the knowledge and skills to reach for their dreams and be successful in life.

We look forward to having more educational adventures with our Hunters and we strive to continuously gain your trust through our ways of teaching and caring for them.

It is a delight to have you with us. Please know that we value our relationship with you. Feel free to reach out anytime.

With gratitude,

Ms. Joni

Principal, HWIP